Telling it like it is
The following comment and reply at Moonbattery regarding the sad and sophomoric post on Reason says it all for the libertarian position and why they get fewer votes than John Murtha running for Majority Leader:
Posted by: chsw10605 at November 14, 2006 03:33 PM
Theocratic Iran is social conservatism's logical end state--the only difference being the fictional work from which the government's fatwas are divined. The ideology is pure mysticism: a toxic brew of anti-science, anti-reason, and anti-intellectualism.
The incessant, goofball cries from social conservatives (like you) for war against Islam differ in no meaningful way from Iran's incessant, goofball cries for war against Judaism. It's a perverse philosophy of perpetual war, against enemies who can't be identified, for reasons that can't be defined.
Keep this in mind the next time you find yourself so befuddled over why on earth somebody might vote libertarian instead of republican.
Posted by: Van Helsing at November 14, 2006 03:43 PM
Oh, yeah. Social conservatives using the Democratic process to defend the traditional definition of marriage is exactly the same as the ayatollah's stoning homosexuals to death. Social conservatives using the democratic process to protect unborn life is exactly the same as imams forcing girls to undergo genital mutilation. Social conservatives using the democratic process to stop molesters from taking their underage girlfriends across state lines to get abortions is exactly the same as virtue police honor-killing girls for talking to non-Muslims. Social conservatives using the democratic process to protest lifestyle indoctrination in the public schools are exactly the same as suicide bombers blowing up Israeli schoolkids.
Also, the answer to all of society's problems are open borders and drug legalization.
Keep this in mind the next time you find yourself so befuddled over why on earth somebody would vote republican instead of libertarian.
Some folks can say in a paragraph what others cannot get across in an entire book. Bravo.
1 comment:
Reading the comments on Reason's blog was like looking under a rock. It's sad, because unlike Democrats, Libertarians have a few things right.
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