Sunday, November 19, 2006

Remember when....

Leading up to the election you were a right wing-nut and questioned the patriotism of democrats/the left if you said a vote for them was a vote for "cut & run."

Clinton, the former president, provided a rebuttal from a stage in Rochester, N.Y.
"On this 'stay the course in Iraq' deal, they say we're the cut-and-run crowd," he said. "These people don't look like cut and run to me," he said, gesturing at Eric Massa, a House candidate and Navy veteran, and former Sen. Max Cleland, a triple amputee from war wounds suffered in Vietnam a generation ago.
(DAVID ESPO AND ED WHITE - The Associated Press)

I guess Murtha, Levin, Pelosi, Kennedy, H.R. Clinton and the rest of the gang did not consult Cleland and Massa on Iraq Policy.

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