Thursday, November 16, 2006

Check out Murtha pic on

Murtha is one unhappy man. Video from MSNBC here.

This is more than a rejection of Murtha on ethics; His stand on Iraq took a real beating, not only from General Abizaid, but many others; read here and here and here.

His Okinawa idea made even some in his camp on the war wonder if he was thinking before speaking, but then he repeated it often enough to toss aside his credibility, since last year we reached an agreement to reduce troop numbers in Okinawa.

As I said last week, the leftist democratic leadership rode into power on the backs of moderate/conservative democratic candidates, including a number of vets, some who served in Iraq and dammed well know the score better than Murtha and Levin.

In my opinion, this was 146 democrats saying "Keep your committee assignments and pork, we will not sell our ethics, our military and the people of Iraq out for a nice office and a bridge back home." I'm not blind and I understand promises were made by Hoyer, but they had a choice between corrupt and left or moderate and no skeletons. Good for them.

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