Friday, January 03, 2003

First post, this has more to do with political correctness in the media than straight politics, but it still makes me angry:

In a top of the hour headlines report on MSNBC this morning (Hey, I was watching IMUS!) they reported the tragic shooting of four police officers here in San Antonio early this morning. A guy who showed up to raise hell over his girlfriend having a grandslam with another guy shot them at a Denny’s.

MSNBC in its wisdom said, and I quote, "The man allegedly opened fire."

Allegedly? Are the two police officers still in surgery as of this writing allegedly fighting for their lives? Perhaps MSNBC is holding out for the possibility they all shot each other? Mass suicide attempt? Sniper on a grassy knoll?

The word "allegedly" should be struck from every journalistic style book - its become an idiot PC word that never seems to work its way into stories where police officers are accused of wrong doing.

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